Lump in my throat as I bid the boys farewell. They head home while I get some me time…
Decisions decisions, where to for the next three nights after plans for Goodwood Revival were cancelled last minute! When life hands you lemons, you make Limoncello!!! I still have three paid laps of Nurburgring… which will still be available for a while!!! But Rossi won’t. Off to San Marino MotoGP we go, Italy here I come.
Have to be honest and admit that I am intimidated riding the Ring on my least favorite KTM (did I just say that out loud). Firstly it’s way faster than I want to go dressed in what is essentially Adventure Gear and my lasting impression of GT v1 conjure images better suited to touring than track time… besides the weather is warmer down south! Eager to see how this pans out!!
Back to the Boys. What a privilege to have shared this experience with the guys. Defining moment seeing the KTM 640 & 950 in MotoHall taking me back to 2002 when we first became KTM Dealers. We have come a long way since the pokey little store in Buitengragt Street between Honda, Ducati and Harley! Believe it or not, Sedick has been with us the entire time. Well played Sedick!!! Not that the rest of the team don’t deserve a special mention, especially the ones holding the fort so the we could travel! Thanks guys! Watch this space!!!
Now for some me time.