2019 KTM Factory Tour Day 3

Day 3 started slowly meandering around the village killing time in inclement weather… until the WhatsApp came through “there been a misunderstanding, your appointment is for 10am, not 11”. In a flash we were at the recently launched KTM MotoHall, tour underway.

Now I have seen my fair share of Motor Museums in my time and I have to say… KTM have raised the bar. As they do.

Unlike most other manufacturers, who statically display their history of Product Development & Championship Wins (which in itself is a problem when your last title was 2007… you know who you are!!! #nothingtoseehere) KTM have managed to embrace the Brand, what it stands for, it’s history, technology & innovation, the Champions and the Fans in a very well thought out, pure, interactive manner. From the bespoke building design, tyre track facade to the gradient floors…. Orange Heaven. And then some.

Too much to explain in one post, let the photos speak for themselves… if you are remotely into anything petrol related, don’t miss this Experience. Make sure you have time, the interactive technical displays are time consuming but an education for the enquiring mind! Well done KTM!!!

Lunch with the Boss, quick visit to the eRide track behind the WP Suspension Factory, followed by cool down ride around the hills of Mattighofen.

Thanks Anna-Sophia Mack for an outstanding tour!!!

Day 3. Another great day at the office!