Namibia 2017, Sandmonster bites.

A beautiful morning rudely interrupted by the sand monster claiming one of our party. Fortunately he is ok, but on his way back to Cape Town with a suspected shoulder injury. Despite the setback, another great days riding.

Stayed at Tsauchab again, always a winner, great braai with the lads with heated debate solving the world problems.

1290 soaking up everything that crosses its path, absorbing harsh impacts, sand and crossing middle mannetjies without fuss.

Suspension firm but comfortable, redesigned screen providing more than adequate wind protection, with ample visibility.

Tested front brakes, abs in offroad mode, by grabbing a handful each time i stopped, crazy g-force as the bike rapidly comes to a halt.

Turned quickshifter off to check the difference against clutches changes. Turned it back on within 100m, quickshifter changes silky smooth vs rather mechanical abrasive clutchless. Very noticable improvement. Im now sold on this feature!

Starting to really like the 1290 dashboard over the previous generation. Life without a dongle made more bareable by quick access to ABS & MTC settings.

Power obviously never fails to disappoint, effortless, smooth, tractable. For some reason nobody wants to race.

People have asked why the Airoh “mx/enduro” helmet? Ventilation. Claustrophobia (when I get hot) and weight, but mostly ventilation.

After dehydrating on a trip to Sutherland a couple of years ago I have since been very conscious of controlling my body temperature, especially perspiration.

I now have summer and winter riding kit, well ventilated Klim Induction Jacket and Airoh Aviator (with 100% goggles) for summer/hot/extreme conditions and Klim Overland Jacket with Nolan Xlite for winter cold conditions.
Kriega hydration pack with water and backup Rehydrate sachets for emergency situations. Thanks to brilliant ventilation, Klim Dakar Pants are perfect for summer and winter conditions, even rain.
Sporting a new pair of Alpinestars Tech 8, which I use for Enduro and Adventure. #uselessinfo #useitdontuseit #worksforme

Off to The Beach Bar @ Swakopmund, bring on the Motogp