2018 Jaguar Simola Hill Climb

Well that was one for the books. #theseareonlythehighlights
Had my motor out three times in the last month chasing an oil problem. Collected car at 5pm on Thursday and decided to do the adult thing and withdraw from #JaguarSHC.

Until I arrived home and watched a promo video of the guys setting up their pits… I had to go! Off to bed for me.

Woke up at 00:00, jumped in the car and took an old school slow drive up the N1, R62, Swellendam to Knysna checking vitals in every town, with an almost full moon lighting the way.


Arrived at 5:30, slept for an hour only to be woken by Craig & Ray arriving in a very loud Pontiac GTO…#bliksemdonner #ithoughtitwasthunder

Documentation, scrutineering, drivers briefing, #letsgoracing. With adrenalin pumping from weeks of pent up tension, that first bend quickly focused my attention.

Sat quietly in my car between sessions focusing on the next run, nodding off from fatigue. 1.05.5, 1 second faster than last year. Satisfied, all things considered!

Forfeited lunch and the last qualifying run to drive back to Cape Town, mind buzzing with the days events.

Intoxicated by the festival, we jumped in the car after work and returned for “King of the Hill” Sunday.

All in all an epic weekend, although I still have an oil problem, alls well that ends well!

As our inspirational Dakar Legend, Joey Evans, says “I didn’t come this far to only come this far!”.