71Veloce – Homecoming

What a day, my baby is home. Special thanks to the man with the magic hands, Jacques de la Cruz and his team, who pulled out all the stops to get her ready for collection at 18:00!

A nerve wracking rollercoaster day. My first project and certainly not my last, I am pushing my boundaries.

Ironically, more than one person, today, told me “pushing your boundaries is healthy”, but never touched on the associated stress!

Surprisingly overwhelmed with emotion driving home, I realised I have taken on quite a chunk and there is still a bucketload of work to do. Install wiring & route neatly, locate regulator, relocate battery behind passenger seat, install & connect lights, fit oil catch reservoir, repair rev counter cable, inspect & repair clutch slave cylinder, replace clutch & brake master cylinders and the list goes on. And on. And those are just my tasks to complete before the Motor can be installed. And then we go for final polish! Oh and tyres… no time to think about that now!

In the bike world, we (not I), build motors, respray and swap frames all day. No big deal. But this is my baby and I have grown quite attached to her. Although I have learned a lot, far too much has been beyond my control… and that will never change. #dealwithit

The adult in me is saying ‘slow down cowboy, ‘let the paint dry’, whilst my inner child is throwing a temper tantrum in protest. #conflicted

Lets do this!!!