EURoadTrip2018 – Brooklands

Yesterday we enjoyed a relaxing afternoon in the quaint little town of Shepperton (on the Thames) catching up on laundry & sleep (navigating while riding without losing your riding partner can be tiring!), before remembering we wanted to visit GMR-UK (who build SuperChargers, amongst other things, for Aston Martins) in Wellington…. close to where we had just come from.

Collected laundry, popped into Brooklands Museum, The Birthplace of British Motorsport & Aviation and Home of Concorde for an eye watering display of motoring and aviation history, too many pictures to post!

Despite three cloud burst en route, we arrived at our destination 1.5 hours late, greeted by a very passionate Graham who graciously waited for us to display his goods… after making us a great cuppa coffee!

Top quality products being developed by ex aircraft engineer, adding 200bhp & 50% torque!…/gmr600-supercharger-installation-4-3l/

Had to smile when they returned from the test drive, Ray mumbling “mad Englishman can drive, so much for the speed limits”…. retribution for the day he took me out in the Mclaren P570. The day I too resigned myself to dying in the countryside at the hands of a lunatic!

Despite my phobia of people, it’s lovely to be approached by friends & family of South Africa, courtesy of our KTM_CapeTown shirts, although the looks we get when answering the inevitable “where are you headed?”

3.6L/100km in the rain today, this bike is simply astounding, impressing more and more everyday.

Another great day in the saddle! bring on #FOS

  • Ashley