Lesson: don’t think you will remember the last thing you were working on, therefore, always complete the job before any intended break.
Haven’t touched the Bedford since before I started working on the race car, over two months ago.

In the interests of safety and reliability, I decided to opt out of the ageing old Pajero dash cluster for something new. After much research I decided upon an AceWell motorcycle cluster, which covered all the essential vitals. And then some. Unbeknown to me, it includes 4 wheel drive indicators, not included in video as it is not connected yet.
Excited with my achievement, read accurate temperature gauge, after successfully testing the radiator fan, I decided a more adventurous shakedown would be in order.
After a few hard starts and successful stops, I decided to venture onto the estate road… slowly.

And that’s where it all fell apart as the Bedford groaned loudly leaning to its left. Immediately stand on the brake, suitably impressed with how quickly we come to a grinding halt. Literally. Disappointment immediately setting in, considering the immense procrastination that went into the design of my magnificent body mounts, which I suspected had failed causing the chassis to drag on the wheels. Not!
That moment dismay turns to disbelief and immediately into relief as the left rear wheel trundles on by, and I remember the last thing I was going to do before I started working the on racecar. Wheelnuts!

No time to think as the wheel continues to freewheel down the estate road, I jump out the van and got my monthly exercise!
All’s well that ends well.
Feel free to laugh at me. I did.