Simola2024 Deconstructed


Exactly 5 weeks since #classicfriday, @simola_hillclimb. A lot of time to reflect on the hangover from the intense buildup to the event and catch up on much needed sleep. And sleep I have. Anytime, anywhere, everywhere, like I’m being paid to sleep.
Slowly, very slowly, as my energy levels restore, my appetite returns, appetite to pickup where my #simola2024 build abruptly ended.
Whilst I am not embarrassed by the arguably unrealistic goals I set myself. I am left reeling from the after effects of the pressure I put myself under. Something I previously promised myself I would never do again. But did.
As an overthinker I need to process all these thoughts and emotions, before I am able to reintegrate. How did it go so wrong so quickly. Or did it! Did it actually go wrong or was it meant to be! After all, the nett result was great. I took a knife to a gun fight, two competitors in my class didn’t even arrive, I was not last, returned home with everything in tact and had a great time with my family!
AND, now I have time to finish the EVO to the level it deserves… but not without life’s unnecessary temptations sent to distract ourselves from what’s right in front of us!
Stay tuned for regular updates on #Simola2025.

Thanks once again to my sponsors and patrons helping me achieve my dreams.