60 Days

Simola2024 preparation Day1
1 March 2024, probably time to start my preparations for Simola2024, after all only 60 days to go!
Let me make it abundantly clear, I have no idea what I am doing. If I did, I would probably be completing, not starting to build the car….

Make no mistake, I have been overthinking the magnitude of the task ahead while frozen with analysis paralysis. Perhaps it was a mistake to take to Assetto Corsa Competizione to immerse myself in racing culture. Tyre pressures, trail braking, anti roll bar, ride height, preload differential, engine mapping, bump stop, damping… and how it all relates back to the car, infinite adjustability, for only fractions of a second, or a convenient bag of excuses for future use. At least my reactions sharp and I’m used to spinning!

Although I have spent some time on the project car already, I still seem to grossly underestimate my ability to procrastinate. The very reason some work has been done and the Bedford is not completed yet! (It is being driven regularly as part of its shakedown development, but that’s a story for another day)

New year, new me. So I have a project plan covering timeline, budget & list of parts requiring some sort of attention. At least that’s what I will tell any prospective sponsors.

The #RescueMod was built with the best I could afford and the widebody will be no different, with most (race) components coming from its now retired (from racing) sibling and the upgrades as and when conditions allow.

Thanks to Paul from accident guru for hooking me up with Dawie from Raptor who will be guiding me (read farmhand colleague) through the prep and process, without losing focus of my stringent ACC training schedule.

At this point it’s probably important to share that this is not a restoration, but more of a refresh on the go, the first version of what will hopefully become a solid reliable well performing racecar.

In less than 60 days, we hope to arrive in Knysna with a semblance of a racecar (and tow car) capable of going up the hill faster than in 2023. The elusive 60 seconds….