It feels like a gazillion hours since my last post, yet there is still so much to do! I think I am operating on California time I have had so little sleep. #neverfeltmorealive This time […]
Well, after 4 continuous days of splicing wires, cleaning parts, mocking up the engine bay & dash, I have a new found respect for mechanics, electricians, their skills, tools and foresight !!! Fabrication is not […]
What an amazing difference 12 hours can make. Despite a couple of initial setbacks, we managed to make some tangible progress. Tonight, motor in and starts. To be honest, I thought we were just swinging […]
What a day, my baby is home. Special thanks to the man with the magic hands, Jacques de la Cruz and his team, who pulled out all the stops to get her ready for collection […]
Earlier this week it occurred to me that I only have 8 working days available before the Jaguar Simola Hill Climb. My stomach turned and panic set in! Fortunately, all the engineering work on the […]
Hectic week of last minute preparation in anticipation of the motor and body coming together, with expected challenges along the way! First misplaced orings, followed by missing valve guides, which are still awol! Lots of […]