@simola_hillclimb 2023 entry accepted, no better time to kick off preparations than a stunning Sunday morning blast to test out the freshly fitted wheel bearings. Next up 45mm weber carbs with appropriate camshafts, semi slicks […]
Adventure, it’s been too long. Sequence & specifics of events may have been changed to avoid incrimination or family worry. For those that do not know the history of my 71Veloce, it started out as […]
CDBA Reflections Not one for organized events, large crowds or riding in dust, I have to say I really enjoyed this past weekends CDBA event and I am proud to say we, KTM Cape Town, […]
CDBA: Day 3. Well. As days go, that was pretty out there! Absolutely sublime morning riding into wilderness over Montague Pass, bringing back great memories of the first time we did the pass (Uniondale, Baviaanskloof, […]
CDBA Day2: Louvain Guest Farm Lovely to see how entrenched Louvain Guest Farm are in the well being and development of their local community and surrounds. The world needs more people like them! Awesome days […]