The restomod is a relatively recent phenomenon in the collector-car world. As a counterpoint to the “survivor” craze, these new cars mix old and new technology to create the best of both worlds, matching classic styling with modern comfort, performance and reliability.
A RescueMod is a RestoMod using a vehicle that is essentially, for various reasons, beyond economical restoration, giving it a new lease of life.
Epic morning spent at Backdraft Racing South Africa picking their brains about various options for my next project. What I love most about real car guys, their passion has no boundaries. Any reason to spend […]
ALTER EGO BUILD-OFF AT THE 2025 KILLARNEY MOTOR SHOWThe Killarney Motor Show 2025 and AlterEgo Casual Wear are proud to introduce the Annual AlterEgo Build-Off, a celebration of South African craftsmanship in both cars and […]
23 Weeks to @simola_hillclimb 2025; the procrastination is paying dividends. With less than 232days til RaceDay, one should arguably become nervous. But not this guy. “Racing is life, everything else is waiting” says Steve Mcqueen.Well, […]
@simola_hillclimb 2023 entry accepted, no better time to kick off preparations than a stunning Sunday morning blast to test out the freshly fitted wheel bearings. Next up 45mm weber carbs with appropriate camshafts, semi slicks […]
The joys of a #rescuemod. 4 days and still repairing broken wires. At least the lights, indicators, horn and starter motor work without any major catastrophe. Yet!
#tbt to the day my life changed forever and i bought the car of my dreams, my 71Veloce. What a journey it’s been, Calvinia, Cape Town, Simola to Safariing the Swartland. Time for something new, […]